List of Monsters in the 5e SRD
Aboleth Acolyte Air Elemental Androsphinx Animated Armor Ankheg Ape Archmage Assassin Awakened Shrub Awakened Tree Axe Beak Azer Baboon Badger Balor Bandit Bandit…
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Aboleth Acolyte Air Elemental Androsphinx Animated Armor Ankheg Ape Archmage Assassin Awakened Shrub Awakened Tree Axe Beak Azer Baboon Badger Balor Bandit Bandit…
Acicular Puncture Acierate Object Acopic Order Acronycal Divination Aerious Absconder Aspidate Protection Aurifex's Curse Belliferous Incitement Bifid Fracture Bifilar Entwine Branchial Influence Bring…