Daemons: Forces of Cwelythvir
Created by the Deities, daemons are powerful spirits of that bring both good and ill to the halls of mortals. They…
Created by the Deities, daemons are powerful spirits of that bring both good and ill to the halls of mortals. They…
Countries:Aulormior - (From the root word aulor meaning noble, and mior meaning country or land.)Gweiravyn - (From the word gweir which derives from…
The Giants were one of the Empyrean Apostates formed from the ichor of the Deities. They were extremely large, humanoid beings.…
Aboleth Acolyte Air Elemental Androsphinx Animated Armor Ankheg Ape Archmage Assassin Awakened Shrub Awakened Tree Axe Beak Azer Baboon Badger Balor Bandit Bandit…
Acicular Puncture Acierate Object Acopic Order Acronycal Divination Aerious Absconder Aspidate Protection Aurifex's Curse Belliferous Incitement Bifid Fracture Bifilar Entwine Branchial Influence Bring…
Capital:Auloronos (au.lor.o.nos)Fortresses:Quinvarium (kʷɪn.var.i͡um)Brigalorix (brɪg.al.or.ɪks)*TBDCities:Tulquelius (tul.kʷɛl.i͡us)Edhrenuum (ɛð.rɛ.nu:m)Corglastia (kor.glas.ti͡a)*TBD*TBD*TBD*TBD*TBD*TBD*TBD*TBD
Overview: Draupnir is a golden ring which on every ninth night splits into nine separate rings. Though in current times it…
The above map is that of the Empire of Aulormior, which lies within the Vale of Legionnaires. Due to a lack of such…
"War rests upon fate, and fate rests upon war." - The Mórrígan Overview: The Mórrígan is a powerful deity…
History: After the Release of the Empyrean Apostates, the Barony of Eothnar was together founded by the tribes of the Rune-Scarred Hills…