Hold of the Scaled Maw
The empire known as the Hold of the Scaled Maw was formed nearly an aeon ago by the ancient dragons. Its organization was…
The empire known as the Hold of the Scaled Maw was formed nearly an aeon ago by the ancient dragons. Its organization was…
History: After the imprisonment of the Archaic Divinities, the Deities created the Dragons to protect and populate the world. Their intellect…
Capital:Auloronos (au.lor.o.nos)Fortresses:Quinvarium (kʷɪn.var.i͡um)Brigalorix (brɪg.al.or.ɪks)*TBDCities:Tulquelius (tul.kʷɛl.i͡us)Edhrenuum (ɛð.rɛ.nu:m)Corglastia (kor.glas.ti͡a)*TBD*TBD*TBD*TBD*TBD*TBD*TBD*TBD
The above map is that of the Empire of Aulormior, which lies within the Vale of Legionnaires. Due to a lack of such…
Geography: The Empire of Aulormior mostly ranges in the Vale of Legionnaires, and lies on the eastern coast of a vast…