The Epoch of Belliferous Gods is a tumultuous time period within the world of Cwelythvir. It starts with a strife of greed between the Archaic Divinities. They fought over the world in vicious wars of ichor and darkness. From such ichor the first Deities arose. These entities were comparatively less powerful than the great Archaic Divinities, and instead of vast reaches of power accross many aspects of the cosmos, their divine dominion was more specific.
As the Archaic Divinities warred, the land began to spoil. Great destruction was wrought upon the world, with no end at sight. To combat this threat, they banded together against their progenitors. With chains of sorcery they bound the Archaic Divinities. However, this was not before another of their spawn was created. The daemons, powerful entities purposefully crafted by the Archaic Divinities to suit their will, were formed from their flesh. Though many of the daemons would go on to do battle with the deities, another branch chose neutrality, and the other side. This sect would be later known as the faerie.
In time, many of the daemons were restrained, and the Archaic Divinities fully cast out of the realm. To this day, the momentous effects of the Epoch of Belliferous Gods can be felt, for ends both good and disasterous.