In the Shadow of those Before:
After the imprisonment of the Empyrean Apostates, the deities created the first mortal from their ichor and powerful magicks. They removed the gift of immortality from this life as they felt that it was too dangerous a boon to bestow upon even their favored children. In addition to this being withheld, they also chose to conceal the secrets of magick from the mortals. Nearly 500 centuries ago they were spread accross the realm. They included the likes of merfolk, elves, humans, dwarves, and other commonly recognizable lineages.
In the North:
The North of Cwelythvir was mostly relegated to the likes of humans and dwarves. They started as small tribes of hunter-gatherers. Whilst the humans lived in the open tundras of the north, the dwarves chose the thick forests, tall mountains, and foreboding hills to be their home. Over time their tribes began to coalesce into clans, and further into provinces and other higher levels of administration.
In the South:
The elves, sphikans, and other inhabitants of the south discovered the mechanisms of agriculture far before their northern counterparts. Because of this, they were able to construct vast empires and thalassocracies that spread throughout the known world. They constructed great monuments dedicated to the Deities, and faught against the surviving Empyrean Apostates.