Iyatelnoi: Cities of Cwelythvir

     The city of Iyatelnoi was founded by the warrior-princess Iyatelna in the Era Antebellum. She brought together disparate tribes of nomadic horsemen under her rule, and through techniques of mortar and stonework from the west, the rising limestone walls of Iyaltenoi were brough forth. Here is a relevant excerpt from a most accurate translation of the book of Dolvozyan history Dyakoiras by an unknown author:

     “And so by will and by water the walls were wrought. Quarries stretched as yawning abysses through the scarred earth. It was truely a sight to behold! All the workers stood under Her gaze as though a great deity of the sky smiled upon them. No bandits, no scoundrels, no brigands stood tall. Great horse-beasts trotted to and fro, augmenting the eye of the Great Iyaltelna, may she dwell Elysian. Before long a great gate of serpentine and jade was stood, protected through those strange runes of our southern brothers.

     Marble paved the streets, and from that day no man fell to the jagged jaw of hunger. Great Iyatelna brought forth a daughter, Urtazka named from her father Urtazkyon, may they dwell Elysian. And on that birth of Her daughter a great soapstone statue was brought forth, and dedicated forever to Urtazka’s grace.”

     After this marvelous construction of the city, it was not before long that its destruction felt imminant. During the Riparian War, the fortress was sacked. However, with the reinstatement of Urtazka III, the city was rebuilt to the state of today.