The Crown of Dolvozya: Nations of Cwelythvir

     The nation of Dolvozya, (from the Boreal Roar Dhaln-Bhasios meaning Fertile Plain), is located on the Oppulent Steppes in the east of the known world. Any major trade is conducted through a pass in the mountains at the west of the realm, and through its coast to the east. In the north ravenous barbarians dwell, and as such it is relatively unsettled. Meanwhile, in the south the Kingdom of Eothnar maintains a sturdy border.

     This queendom was founded nearly 1,500 years ago, though in that time it was ruled by nomadic horsemen. Through the power of the mighty warrior-princess Iyatelna, these clans were consolidated under her rule. They made sure to maintain peaceful relations with those outside their borders.

     Capital: Iyatelnoi